Sustainability Governance

Sustainability Governance Structure

T7 Global recognises the critical role of the Board in overseeing our business practices, including the development and implementation of our sustainability strategy. The Board works to identify and manage the Group’s ESG risks and opportunities and approve sustainability policies and material matters. Additionally, the Board maintains transparency and accountability throughout the organisation, and makes informed decisions through effective governance systems.

Sustainability Policy

The Group is dedicated to integrating sustainable development into our corporate culture. In recognition of the importance of sustainability and mitigating climate change, the Group established a Sustainability Policy in 2022 to guide us in strategically managing our risks and opportunities and integrating sustainable practises into our operations.

In order to create long-term value for our stakeholders, this policy was established to identify relevant ESG indicators and incorporate sustainability into daily operations and decision-making throughout our value chain. It also aims to align the Group’s strategies with pertinent international sustainability principles including the UN SDGs.

The policy has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and is subject to periodic revisions to reflect any updates in the Group’s sustainability practices. T7 Global’s business divisions and related third parties working with or on behalf of the Group, are subject to the Sustainability Policy.

Engaging with our Stakeholders

A critical aspect of our sustainability strategy is the incorporation of stakeholder perspectives. We maintain close relationships with our stakeholders to have a comprehensive understanding of their diverse opinions and changing needs across our business operations.
By incorporating stakeholder insights into our business plans and strategies, we are able to create long-term value. We continually communicate with stakeholders through various channels, address their concerns and align our business strategy with their key priorities. The result of this engagement helps us identify market trends, anticipate potential challenges and align our sustainability efforts with the broader interests of the economy, society and environment.

Materiality Assessment

T7 Global adopts a systematic approach to identify material topics that represent the most significant impact on our stakeholders and business operations. It is through regularly conducting a comprehensive materiality assessment that we achieve an indepth understanding of our materiality matters, allowing us to align our sustainability framework to specific focus areas and ensuring a clear and focused approach towards sustainability

Materiality Matrix

Our Materiality Matrix has been developed to allow us to identify and rank the specific focus areas that have the most significant economic, environmental and social impacts on our business and our stakeholders.

Health and Safety remains our top priority area. However, in 2021, we also focused significantly on reaffirming economic performance and impact. In line with our shareholder’s priorities, we have worked to embed positive ESG principles across our business, an area that will only expand further as we move ahead.

The assessment results are plotted on a materiality matrix, with their position relative to the degree of stakeholder interest and significance of the Group’s economic, environmental and social impacts.

Value Creation

  • Reliable and Efficient Operation
  • Governance and Business Ethics
  • Economic Performance and Impact 
  • Data Privacy and Security 
  • Digital Transformation


  • Waste Management
  • GHG and Climate Resilience
  • Biodiversity
  • Energy Management
  • Water Management

People First

  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Supply Chain Management 
  • Community Development and Investment 
  • Workforce Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Employee Recruitment, Development and Retention